Solar Panels & Infrastructure Systems

Adapt new-world systems into your building structures with EMKAY’s cost-efficient solar system installations that allow your company to step into a greener, cleaner tomorrow. We will help you in becoming a net-zero Energy Building owner as you create more energy than you utilise.

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Area of Expertise

Over our 20-year spanning experience in the electromechanical industry

we have contributed immensely to the cause of renewable resources through our dedicated installations of fully functional solar energy systems. Our expertise in installing solar systems lies in the hospitality, healthcare, corporate, commercial, F&B, and Residential industries.

  • Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
  • Fire Fighting  and Safety 
  • Electrical System
  • Electronics and Extra Low voltage Systems
  • Water Supply Service
  • Plumbing & Pipeling Services(In-Door & Out-Door)

Mechanical, Electrical
& Plumbing(MEP) Works

Complete MEP fittings for Nando’s Dubai

Bringing International Standards to the UAE as we worked on the supply & installation testing, along with commissioning the complete MEP fit outs for Nando’s Dubai.

EMKAY gets honorary
awards for global

IND news mentions
EMKAY’S capabilities

EMKAY’S recognition
in the African community

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